One of the main reasons we see implementations wither on the vine is that they were designed without considering the requirements of those who need to use the system. More clearly, whoever is in charge of the project needs a deep understanding of staff needs.
I'll bet you've seen this phenomenon. Unfortunately, managers sometimes have false beliefs about their employees. They think they know what the employee can or cannot do, or will or will not do. And often, this isn't the case. Here's a list of a few of them:
"Our staff doesn't know about (information management something)- Over the years, I've heard a version of this from a few hundred clients. They get excited about some aspect of the product or have a clear vision of how their future processes will be improved using LF Workflow. This type of thinking is self-defeating and doesn't achieve better things for your organization because your primary state becomes interia. The reality is leadership's job is to push the organization and the employees forward. So this might mean implementing automation in Laserfiche or using Quick Fields to capture data from paper and move it to the ERP system. Many of our most mature installs were driven by an internal champion who often has zero LF experience.
"Our staff can only do simple tasks' '- Unless you are landing the Mars Rover, most of the tasks your team works on are most likely simple. Sometimes this leads managers to believe that staff doesn't need technology to support them. However, the world has changed significantly, and with the uptick in digital volume and variety of tasks, some of the easiest often go awry. Hence, your accuracy has fallen, possibly leading to a lack of compliance, which could negatively impact your bottom line. The entire point of digitization is to provide infrastructure and context for ALL tasks. And stop me before I go on about unnecessary complexity.
"They'll find it…figure it out."- Most managers have been with the company for a while. When a question arises, they can often fill the informational gap. Employees may not have that skill, especially if tasks vary over different departments. If information is not easily findable, as far as the employee is concerned, it doesn't exist. Suppose the employee doesn't know and doesn't ask a colleague, who also may not know. The task is not going to get done correctly, if at all. Today's workplace must empower employees at every level. Yes, even if it just means to make information findable.
"Yes, we told them."- Managers think employees read all procedural emails. I can assure you they do not. And if they did read the email, they may not remember it. Honestly, most employees are overwhelmed by email coms. The digital workplace should be designed, so SOPs, employee handbooks, and CAPAS are easily searchable in a timely, relevant way that will help employees perform tasks with the information they need when they need it
If you catch yourself saying any of the above, give us a shout, and we can talk about Laserfiche.