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Writer's pictureKimberly Samuelson

Top Ten Reasons You Should Have Attended MISAC This Year!

Updated: Oct 14, 2022

Each year we look forward to the MISAC Annual Conference in Monterey. We get a lot of value from networking with Municipal IT Management and Staff. Claude, Jamie, and I made a Top Ten List. If you haven’t attended prior, here’s why you should.

Top Ten Reasons You Should Have Attended MISAC This Year

  • Reason #10- Fun conversations with IT folks. We’ve been attending this conference for a long time, and the caliber of discussion, networking, and knowledge sharing cannot be beaten.

  • Reason #9- Document Management was on the attendee’s radar. Every few years, we’ll hear, “it’s time to move to Laserfiche.” So, yay! And, yes, it is time.

  • Reason #8- We get to give away drones. It’s fun to give away good prizes. You were entered into our Drone Drawing if you stopped by the booth. We hear the winners are excited to test drive their prize.

  • Reason #7- The educational sessions are fantastic. We don’t get to participate in one every year. Last year The City of Santa Clarita’s Ryan Drake spoke about his implementation of LF Forms and Workflow that supported the city's Pandemic Rental Assistance program. If you are interested in learning more, here’s a blog post about it.

  • Reason #6- To have fun! All work and no play make Claude and Jamie sad ;)

  • Reason #5- Checking out new or different technology. There's no better place to hear and see new technology in action than at a tech conference, whether it's being demoed by a sponsor or being talked about at a session. We had a few drive-bys from On-Base users who wanted another look at Laserfiche.

  • Reason #4- Joining group problem-solving. One of the things we always look for when we give a presentation is the “hey, I’ve got that problem too.” Most information management challenges aren’t that unique. If you see a group clustered in a booth, perhaps you should join in—you might pick up something useful.

  • Reason #3- You can identify potential new vendor partners if you need to. We’re going just to leave this one right here and back quietly away.

  • Reason #2- Reconnection- We don’t get to chat with clients as much as we’d like to. We’ve seen municipal staff value the chance to catch up with other agencies and vendors.

  • Reason #1- To learn beyond your technology maturity. Some agencies are always ahead of the curve in early-tech adoption, and while we can’t all work at those organizations, we can learn from them.


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